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The cooling curve has caused violent storms and rains in the fall 2024

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The cooling curve has caused violent storms and rains
11 Oct 2024
Updated and translated into English 16 Nov 2024

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The cooling curve has caused violent storms and rains
Sedna 36 Eris

Cooling curves for the years 2023-24

In the past fall of 2024, strong storms, rains and floods have formed in different parts of the world

The cooling curve Sedna36Eris 2024 (the rightmost curve pattern in the image), where the farthest dwarf planets Sedna and Eris are at their strongest storm angle, is active right now.

It is absolutely precise in two places: on September 27 and again on December 6. Between these exact days, the angle between the dwarf planets of 36 degrees or half a quintile (as seen from Earth) diverges by only 4 arc minutes, which is very little. So it can actually be said to be active throughout this interval as well.

First activation

In fact, the pattern was activated for the first time already in the last days of August, although it was still 9 arcminutes away. Sedna then seemed to stop while making an apparent loop. In this case, its effect is always particularly strong, and so the effect was also very visible in Finland: torrential rains and long-lasting thunder and strong winds were experienced in different parts of Finland right at the turn of August and September.

Let's explain the event a little

From Earth, the planets and dwarf planets appear to make loops in the sky, due to the Earth's own rotation around the Sun. Then other celestial bodies are viewed from different directions throughout the year.

When making an apparent loop, the planet first travels in the forward direction, then it stops and seemingly starts to travel backwards, until it stops again and starts moving in the forward direction again. At the moment of stopping, the impact of the planet on the Earth's atmosphere is particularly large.

This actual effect takes place on the etheric level , which ethericity surrounds the earth and permeates the physical plane, and this effect is immediately reflected also on the physical plane, the atmosphere.

Changes in the ethereal level cannot yet be directly measured with any equipment, but since their mode of action is already well known, the anticipated physical changes can be checked by measuring with normal meteorological methods. Changes in the ethereal level are seen in weather scores.

Sedna strongly cools the upper atmosphere

So when Sedna stopped on August 30th, and activated that almost exact 36 degree angle with Eris, strong downpours and periods of thunder were experienced especially in Western and Central Finland, which was due to the large temperature difference between the upper and lower atmosphere. The lower atmosphere was still warmed by Mercury, the Sun and the dwarf planet Orcus moving in the ethereal thermal region, and the thermal planet Saturn moving in the light region.

The upper atmosphere was very cold in different parts of the world. In Southeast Asia, where the sea was warm, typhoon Yagi was born at the same time, raging in the direction of China, especially in Vietnam and even before that as a tropical storm in the Philippines.

Sedna's special areas

Sedna has a particularly cooling effect closer to the polar regions and high in the mountains. Thus, in mid-September, the combined effect of the warm Mediterranean Sea and the cold air of the Italian and French mountains led to the Boris storm, which caused extensive flooding in Central Europe. September was warm and a meter of snow fell in the Alps. The humidity increased and heavy downpours were common.

An exceptionally heavy snowstorm trapped people in their cars in South Africa on the road between the cities of Johannesburg and Durban on Saturday 9/21 the night before. Two meters of snow fell in some places.
In the Sahara desert, in the region of Morocco and Algeria, torrential rains occurred during two days in September, which caused the Sahara to flood and form lakes in the normally completely dry area. This coincided with Mikkeli's torrential downpour on September 3rd in Finland.

When the exact half-quintile of Sedna and Eris approached at the end of September, and in addition Sedna made a cooling constellation with the Sun and Venus (which brought the first snow to Lapland), tropical storm Helene was born in the western Caribbean Sea. Within a couple of days, it became a hurricane, and when the pattern of Sedna and Eris was just right, Helene strengthened into a Category 4 hurricane that caused flooding and destroyed houses in Northwest Florida and nearby areas.

Strengthening planetary constellations

At the beginning of October, when the half-quintile of Sedna and Eris was still almost exact, Sedna and Haumea made a 150-degree angle, or quincunx. That's when tropical storm Milton was born. It was intensified by Mercury's quintile with the cooling Galactic Center, causing Milton to intensify into a hurricane. Then the Sun's quintile with the Galactic Center raised the hurricane to category five. From the sofa at home, we watched the events with bated breath, and fortunately the already weakened Milton's passage across the Florida peninsula to the Atlantic side.

In Finland, we have received strong wind and rains, which e.g. sent the remnants of Hurricane Kirk through France and Germany. Kirk was also born during exact Sedna36Eris in late September. On the evening of October 1, it strengthened into a hurricane and during Sedna150Haumea it rose to category four. When the Sedna-Haumea constellation began to fade, Kirk also weakened over the course of three days to Category 1 and immediately became a post-tropical cyclone.

Now in the middle of October we will follow the continuation, because one and the other can still happen, especially in connection with the other quintiles of Sedna (18.10. Sedna144 The Sun created tropical storm Nadine in the Caribbean and immediately after it the C1 hurricane Oscar, Finland was warned of strong winds in maritime areas), and especially during the double quintile of Makemake and Gonggong at the very end of October. (At that time, disastrous floods occurred in Valencia, Spain. There were also extensive floods in France.)

A few lighter quintile clusters also appear (C3 Hurricane Rafael and the birth of Super Typhoon Man-Yi in the Philippines), and stronger Galactic Center quintiles with the Sun and Mars on November 13-14. (New Floods in Spain) before the next exact half-quintile encounter between Sedna and Eris on 12/6/2024. Then the effects can be seen already the day before or possibly a few days after the exact time. Closer there, it is good to check the official forecasts in time.

(It is easier to view weather scores on a slightly larger device than on a phone, so you get a better overall picture of them.)
